Thursday, April 17, 2008

"The Rock"

Ever since I was a little kid, 'The Rock', by the Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School on Route 85 on the Marlborough/Hudson line, has always been painted. I'm not 100% sure when this started, but I thought that it should be documented. 'The Rock', as it has been affectionately dubbed, is painted quite frequently starting in the spring, and through the fall. It will occasionally be painted in the winter, though because of snow and ice, the frequency is not as often.

I myself have painted 'The Rock' a few times, once with some kids from high school. There's a crack on the rock, that one can stick their hand into (if they're so daring). I was daring enough, and at the time the amount of paint that had accumulated from paintings went from the tip of my fingers to just above the knuckles on my hand, approximately 3".

You never know what will pop up on 'The Rock'. Anything from a one word phrase, to memorials for those who have passed on, a Happy Birthday wish, or even asking someone to prom have all graced the rock. Sometimes 'The Rock' will have a full blown artistic piece on it, I remember one vividly, it was a memorial for a kid from Hudson High who's life was cut too short. That stayed up on 'The Rock' for a very long time.

1 comment:

Shouri said...

It's awesome that you're doing this >D